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Recognition API - Vehicle and License Plate

Vehicle Recognition

Perform Vehicle Recognition

Performs recognition on all of the vehicles detected in a submitted Image.

The objectType “vehicle” is required. Uploading of images for enrollment, Image Management, Group Management, and Object Management are not supported for Vehicle Recogniton.

The vehicles in an image should be at least 200 pixels wide for good results. For best recognition results, camera pitch angle should be less than 30 degrees. Frontal and rear vehicle views give better recognition results than side views.

Vehicle Recognition includes most North American passenger vehicle models built 1990 and later.

Using Image URL

Example URI


Request Body Attributes (JSON)

  • image (string): A fully qualified path to an image hosted on the internet to run recognition on
Content-Type: application/json
X-Access-Token: developersOwnCloudAccessToken
  "image": ""
Response  200

Response Attributes (JSON)

  • image (object): Size and rotation information of the provided image

    • width (integer): Pixel width of image
    • height (integer): Pixel height of image
    • orientation (integer): EXIF code representing rotation and/or flipping of source Image needed to align the source photo with the detection coordinates. Only applicable for photos with EXIF data (e.g., photos taken on a mobile device). Defaults to 1 (no rotation or flip), else the value found in the image’s EXIF data and indicates that bounding vertices have been translated to match that coordinate space.
  • objects (array): A list of objects recognized in the image

    • objectType (string): The type of Object detected. The expected value is “vehicle”.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the recognized object.
    • vehicleAnnotation (object): A list of objects that contain detection coordinates, confidence scores, and other attributes
      • bounding (object):
        • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
          • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
          • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
      • recognitionConfidence (decimal): A decimal value between 0.0 - 1.0 that represents the confidence that the given objectId is actually the Object recognized in the image.
      • attributes (object):
        • system (object): System-generated attributes for the detected Object
          • make (object): List of attributes for the vehicle make (e.g. “BMW” or “Toyota”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • model (object): List of attributes for the vehicle model (e.g. “3 Series” or “Tacoma”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • color (object): List of attributes for the vehicle color (e.g. “blue” or “silver/grey”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • vehicleType (string): Vehicle body type (e.g. “car”, “truck”, “suv”, “motorcycle”, “bus”)
  • requestId (string): A server generated ID for the request

Content-Type: application/json
  "image": {
    "width": 2016,
    "orientation": 1,
    "height": 1512
  "objects": [
      "vehicleAnnotation": {
        "bounding": {
          "vertices": [
              "y": 512,
              "x": 78
              "y": 512,
              "x": 2016
              "y": 1184,
              "x": 2016
              "y": 1184,
              "x": 78
        "attributes": {
          "system": {
            "color": {
              "confidence": 0.9968,
              "name": "silver/grey"
            "make": {
              "confidence": 0.8508,
              "name": "BMW"
            "model": {
              "confidence": 0.8508,
              "name": "3 Series"
            "vehicleType": "car"
        "recognitionConfidence": 0.8508
      "objectId": "_vehicle_f3c3d26b-c568-4d98-b6db-b96659fd7766",
      "objectType": "vehicle"
  "requestId": "d25b5e5d22f6431498065e9a25134d59"

Uploading Image

Example URI


Request Body Attributes

  • Binary Stream of an image file to run recognition on
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
X-Access-Token: developersOwnCloudAccessToken
< Image binary stream >
Response  200

Response Attributes (JSON)

  • image (object): Size and rotation information of the provided image

    • width (integer): Pixel width of image
    • height (integer): Pixel height of image
    • orientation (integer): EXIF code representing rotation and/or flipping of source Image needed to align the source photo with the detection coordinates. Only applicable for photos with EXIF data (e.g., photos taken on a mobile device). Defaults to 1 (no rotation or flip), else the value found in the image’s EXIF data and indicates that bounding vertices have been translated to match that coordinate space.
  • objects (array): A list of objects recognized in the image

    • objectType (string): The type of Object detected. The expected value is “vehicle”.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the recognized object.
    • vehicleAnnotation (object): A list of objects that contain detection coordinates, confidence scores, and other attributes
      • bounding (object):
        • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
          • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
          • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
      • recognitionConfidence (decimal): A decimal value between 0.0 - 1.0 that represents the confidence that the given objectId is actually the Object recognized in the image.
      • attributes (object):
        • system (object): System-generated attributes for the detected Object
          • make (object): List of attributes for the vehicle make (e.g. “BMW” or “Toyota”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • model (object): List of attributes for the vehicle model (e.g. “3 Series” or “Tacoma”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • color (object): List of attributes for the vehicle color (e.g. “blue” or “silver/grey”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • vehicleType (string): Vehicle body type (e.g. “car”, “truck”, “suv”, “motorcycle”, “bus”)
  • requestId (string): A server generated ID for the request

Content-Type: application/json
  "image": {
    "width": 2016,
    "orientation": 1,
    "height": 1512
  "objects": [
      "vehicleAnnotation": {
        "bounding": {
          "vertices": [
              "y": 512,
              "x": 78
              "y": 512,
              "x": 2016
              "y": 1184,
              "x": 2016
              "y": 1184,
              "x": 78
        "attributes": {
          "system": {
            "color": {
              "confidence": 0.9968,
              "name": "silver/grey"
            "make": {
              "confidence": 0.8508,
              "name": "BMW"
            "model": {
              "confidence": 0.8508,
              "name": "3 Series"
            "vehicleType": "car"
        "recognitionConfidence": 0.8508
      "objectId": "_vehicle_f3c3d26b-c568-4d98-b6db-b96659fd7766",
      "objectType": "vehicle"
  "requestId": "d25b5e5d22f6431498065e9a25134d59"

Vehicle and License Plate Recognition

Performs recognition on all of the vehicles and their associated license plates detected in a submitted Image. This is similar to the above Vehicle Recognition, but also includes License Plate detection and recognition and pairing with Vehicles. This operation can be noticeably slower than Vehicle Recogntion alone. When License Plates are paired with Vehicles, any detected Vehicle that does not have an associated License Plate will be more closely examined for a missed license plate.

The paired objectType “vehicle,licenseplate” is required. Uploading of images for enrollment, Image Management, Group Management, and Object Management are not supported for Vehicle and License Plate Recogniton.

The vehicles in an image should be at least 200 pixels wide, and license plates in an image should be at least 80 pixels high for good results.

License plate character recognition is limited in its ability to find and recognize all characters. The response does not indicate whether any characters may have been missed. For example, a response including a string of “CCC24” could be for a license plate containing any or other of these variations: “CCC243”, “0CCC24”, “CCC124”. The confidence for the string is derived from the confidence for each individual character, so the confidence value also does not indicate missed characters.

Using Image URL

Example URI


Request Body Attributes (JSON)

  • image (string): A fully qualified path to an image hosted on the internet to run recognition on
Content-Type: application/json
X-Access-Token: developersOwnCloudAccessToken
  "image": ""
Response  200

Response Attributes (JSON)

  • image (object): Size and rotation information of the provided image

    • width (integer): Pixel width of image
    • height (integer): Pixel height of image
    • orientation (integer): EXIF code representing rotation and/or flipping of source Image needed to align the source photo with the detection coordinates. Only applicable for photos with EXIF data (e.g., photos taken on a mobile device). Defaults to 1 (no rotation or flip), else the value found in the image’s EXIF data and indicates that bounding vertices have been translated to match that coordinate space.
  • objects (array): A list of objects recognized in the image

    • objectType (string): The type of Object detected. The expected value is “vehicle”.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the recognized object.
    • vehicleAnnotation (object): A list of objects that contain detection coordinates, confidence scores, and other attributes
      • bounding (object):
        • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
          • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
          • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
      • recognitionConfidence (decimal): A decimal value between 0.0 - 1.0 that represents the confidence that the given objectId is actually the Object recognized in the image.
      • attributes (object):
        • system (object): System-generated attributes for the detected Object
          • make (object): List of attributes for the vehicle make (e.g. “BMW” or “Toyota”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • model (object): List of attributes for the vehicle model (e.g. “3 Series” or “Tacoma”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • color (object): List of attributes for the vehicle color (e.g. “blue” or “silver/grey”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • vehicleType (string): Vehicle body type (e.g. “car”, “truck”, “suv”, “motorcycle”, “bus”)
      • licenseplate (object):
        • bounding (object):
          • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
            • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
            • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
        • attributes (object):
          • system (object): System-generated attributes for the detected Object
            • region (object): The country or state of the license plate
              • name (string): Country or state (e.g. “Florida” or “Germany”)
              • confidence (float): Confidence for the region
            • string (object): The license plate characters as a group
              • name (string): All characters in one string
              • confidence (float): Confidence for the string of characters
            • characters (array): List of attributes for each character recognized in the license plate
              • bounding (object):
                • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
                  • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
                  • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
              • index (integer): The index of this character within the string of license plate characters
              • confidence (float): Confidence that the character field is correct
              • character (string): The character
  • requestId (string): A server generated ID for the request

Content-Type: application/json
    "image": { 
                    {  "x":430, "y":286 },
                    {  "x":835, "y":286 },
                    {  "x":835, "y":559 },
                    {  "x":430, "y":559 }
                    "name":"3 Series"
                        { "x":617, "y":452 },
                        { "x":743, "y":452 },
                        { "x":743, "y":482 },
                        { "x":617, "y":482 }
                                        { "y":455, "x":637 },
                                        { "y":455, "x":649 },
                                        { "y":473, "x":649 },
                                        { "y":473, "x":637 }
                                        { "y":455, "x":648 },
                                        { "y":455, "x":661 },
                                        { "y":473, "x":661 },
                                        { "y":473, "x":648 }
                                        { "y":455, "x":671 },
                                        { "y":455, "x":684 },
                                        { "y":474, "x":684 },
                                        { "y":474, "x":671 }
                                        { "y":456, "x":683 },
                                        { "y":456, "x":696 },
                                        { "y":474, "x":696 },
                                        { "y":474, "x":683 }

Uploading Image

Example URI


Request Body Attributes

  • Binary Stream of an image file to run recognition on
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
X-Access-Token: developersOwnCloudAccessToken
< Image binary stream >
Response  200

Response Attributes (JSON)

  • image (object): Size and rotation information of the provided image

    • width (integer): Pixel width of image
    • height (integer): Pixel height of image
    • orientation (integer): EXIF code representing rotation and/or flipping of source Image needed to align the source photo with the detection coordinates. Only applicable for photos with EXIF data (e.g., photos taken on a mobile device). Defaults to 1 (no rotation or flip), else the value found in the image’s EXIF data and indicates that bounding vertices have been translated to match that coordinate space.
  • objects (array): A list of objects recognized in the image

    • objectType (string): The type of Object detected. The expected value is “vehicle”.
    • objectId (string): Unique identifier of the recognized object.
    • vehicleAnnotation (object): A list of objects that contain detection coordinates, confidence scores, and other attributes
      • bounding (object):
        • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
          • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
          • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
      • recognitionConfidence (decimal): A decimal value between 0.0 - 1.0 that represents the confidence that the given objectId is actually the Object recognized in the image.
      • attributes (object):
        • system (object): System-generated attributes for the detected Object
          • make (object): List of attributes for the vehicle make (e.g. “BMW” or “Toyota”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • model (object): List of attributes for the vehicle model (e.g. “3 Series” or “Tacoma”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • color (object): List of attributes for the vehicle color (e.g. “blue” or “silver/grey”)
            • name (string): The name for the parent field
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the name field is correct
          • vehicleType (string): Vehicle body type (e.g. “car”, “truck”, “suv”, “motorcycle”, “bus”)
      • licenseplate (object):
        • bounding (object):
          • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
            • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
            • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
        • attributes (object):
          • system (object): System-generated attributes for the detected Object
            • region (object): The country or state of the license plate
              • name (string): Country or state (e.g. “Florida” or “Germany”)
              • confidence (float): Confidence for the region
            • string (object): The license plate characters as a group
              • name (string): All characters in one string
              • confidence (float): Confidence for the string of characters
            • characters (array): List of attributes for each character recognized in the license plate
              • bounding (object):
                • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
                  • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
                  • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
              • index (integer): The index of this character within the string of license plate characters
              • confidence (float): Confidence that the character field is correct
              • character (string): The character
  • requestId (string): A server generated ID for the request

Content-Type: application/json
    "image": { 
                    {  "x":430, "y":286 },
                    {  "x":835, "y":286 },
                    {  "x":835, "y":559 },
                    {  "x":430, "y":559 }
                    "name":"3 Series"
                        { "x":617, "y":452 },
                        { "x":743, "y":452 },
                        { "x":743, "y":482 },
                        { "x":617, "y":482 }
                                        { "y":455, "x":637 },
                                        { "y":455, "x":649 },
                                        { "y":473, "x":649 },
                                        { "y":473, "x":637 }
                                        { "y":455, "x":648 },
                                        { "y":455, "x":661 },
                                        { "y":473, "x":661 },
                                        { "y":473, "x":648 }
                                        { "y":455, "x":671 },
                                        { "y":455, "x":684 },
                                        { "y":474, "x":684 },
                                        { "y":474, "x":671 }
                                        { "y":456, "x":683 },
                                        { "y":456, "x":696 },
                                        { "y":474, "x":696 },
                                        { "y":474, "x":683 }

License Plate Recognition

Performs recognition on all of the license plates detected in a submitted Image. This is similar to Vehicle and License Plate Recognition. Note: No pairing of vehicles and license plates is attempted (as in the above Vehicle and License Plate Recogition), so the deeper search for license plates within vehicles is also not done. This can leave more license plates undetected than in the comparable call requesting both Vehicle and License Plate detection and recognition.

The objectType “licenseplate” is required. Uploading of images for enrollment, Image Management, Group Management, and Object Management are not supported for License Plate Recogniton.

The license plates in an image should be at least 80 pixels high for good results.

License plate character recognition is limited in its ability to find and recognize all characters. The response does not indicate whether any characters may have been missed. For example, a response including a string of “CCC24” could be for a license plate containing any or other of these variations: “CCC243”, “0CCC24”, “CCC124”. The confidence for the string is derived from the confidence for each individual character, so the confidence value also does not indicate missed characters.

The “region” field returns country or US State classification - including these countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, UK.

Using Image URL

Example URI


Request Body Attributes (JSON)

  • image (string): A fully qualified path to an image hosted on the internet to run recognition on
Content-Type: application/json
X-Access-Token: developersOwnCloudAccessToken
  "image": ""
Response  200

Response Attributes (JSON)

  • image (object): Size and rotation information of the provided image

    • width (integer): Pixel width of image
    • height (integer): Pixel height of image
    • orientation (integer): EXIF code representing rotation and/or flipping of source Image needed to align the source photo with the detection coordinates. Only applicable for photos with EXIF data (e.g., photos taken on a mobile device). Defaults to 1 (no rotation or flip), else the value found in the image’s EXIF data and indicates that bounding vertices have been translated to match that coordinate space.
  • objects (array): A list of objects recognized in the image

    • objectType (string): The type of Object detected. The expected value is “licenseplate”.
    • licenseplateAnnotation (object): A list of objects that contain detection coordinates, confidence scores, and other attributes
      • bounding (object):
        • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
          • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
          • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
      • attributes (object):
        • system (object): System-generated attributes for the detected Object
          • region (object): The country or state of the license plate
            • name (string): Country or state (e.g. “Florida” or “Germany”)
            • confidence (float): Confidence for the region
          • string (object): The license plate characters as a group
            • name (string): All characters in one string
            • confidence (float): Confidence for the string of characters
          • characters (array): List of attributes for each character recognized in the license plate
            • bounding (object):
              • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
                • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
                • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
            • index (integer): The index of this character within the string of license plate characters
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the character field is correct
            • character (string): The character
  • requestId (string): A server generated ID for the request

Content-Type: application/json
  "image": {
    "width": 2016,
    "orientation": 1,
    "height": 1512
  "objects": [
      "licenseplateAnnotation": {
        "bounding": {
          "vertices": [
              "x": 617,
              "y": 452
              "x": 743,
              "y": 452
              "x": 743,
              "y": 482
              "x": 617,
              "y": 482
        "attributes": {
          "system": {
            "region": {
              "name": "Florida",
              "confidence": 0.9994
            "string": {
              "name": "RTB2",
              "confidence": 0.999
            "characters": [
                "bounding": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 637
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 649
                      "y": 473,
                      "x": 649
                      "y": 473,
                      "x": 637
                "index": 0,
                "confidence": 0.9999,
                "character": "R"
                "bounding": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 648
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 661
                      "y": 473,
                      "x": 661
                      "y": 473,
                      "x": 648
                "index": 1,
                "confidence": 0.9999,
                "character": "T"
                "bounding": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 671
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 684
                      "y": 474,
                      "x": 684
                      "y": 474,
                      "x": 671
                "index": 2,
                "confidence": 0.9996,
                "character": "B"
                "bounding": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "y": 456,
                      "x": 683
                      "y": 456,
                      "x": 696
                      "y": 474,
                      "x": 696
                      "y": 474,
                      "x": 683
                "index": 3,
                "confidence": 0.9995,
                "character": "2"
      "objectType": "licenseplate"
  "requestId": "d25b5e5d22f6431498065e9a25134d59"

Uploading Image

Example URI


Request Body Attributes

  • Binary Stream of an image file to run recognition on
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
X-Access-Token: developersOwnCloudAccessToken
< Image binary stream >
Response  200

Response Attributes (JSON)

  • image (object): Size and rotation information of the provided image

    • width (integer): Pixel width of image
    • height (integer): Pixel height of image
    • orientation (integer): EXIF code representing rotation and/or flipping of source Image needed to align the source photo with the detection coordinates. Only applicable for photos with EXIF data (e.g., photos taken on a mobile device). Defaults to 1 (no rotation or flip), else the value found in the image’s EXIF data and indicates that bounding vertices have been translated to match that coordinate space.
  • objects (array): A list of objects recognized in the image

    • objectType (string): The type of Object detected. The expected value is “licenseplate”.
    • licenseplateAnnotation (object): A list of objects that contain detection coordinates, confidence scores, and other attributes
      • bounding (object):
        • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
          • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
          • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
      • attributes (object):
        • system (object): System-generated attributes for the detected Object
          • region (object): The country or state of the license plate
            • name (string): Country or state (e.g. “Florida” or “Germany”)
            • confidence (float): Confidence for the region
          • string (object): The license plate characters as a group
            • name (string): All characters in one string
            • confidence (float): Confidence for the string of characters
          • characters (array): List of attributes for each character recognized in the license plate
            • bounding (object):
              • vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
                • x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
                • y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex
            • index (integer): The index of this character within the string of license plate characters
            • confidence (float): Confidence that the character field is correct
            • character (string): The character
  • requestId (string): A server generated ID for the request

Content-Type: application/json
  "image": {
    "width": 2016,
    "orientation": 1,
    "height": 1512
  "objects": [
      "licenseplateAnnotation": {
        "bounding": {
          "vertices": [
              "x": 617,
              "y": 452
              "x": 743,
              "y": 452
              "x": 743,
              "y": 482
              "x": 617,
              "y": 482
        "attributes": {
          "system": {
            "region": {
              "name": "Florida",
              "confidence": 0.9994
            "string": {
              "name": "RTB2",
              "confidence": 0.999
            "characters": [
                "bounding": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 637
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 649
                      "y": 473,
                      "x": 649
                      "y": 473,
                      "x": 637
                "index": 0,
                "confidence": 0.9999,
                "character": "R"
                "bounding": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 648
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 661
                      "y": 473,
                      "x": 661
                      "y": 473,
                      "x": 648
                "index": 1,
                "confidence": 0.9999,
                "character": "T"
                "bounding": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 671
                      "y": 455,
                      "x": 684
                      "y": 474,
                      "x": 684
                      "y": 474,
                      "x": 671
                "index": 2,
                "confidence": 0.9996,
                "character": "B"
                "bounding": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "y": 456,
                      "x": 683
                      "y": 456,
                      "x": 696
                      "y": 474,
                      "x": 696
                      "y": 474,
                      "x": 683
                "index": 3,
                "confidence": 0.9995,
                "character": "2"
      "objectType": "licenseplate"
  "requestId": "d25b5e5d22f6431498065e9a25134d59"